Auriferous North I have written previously about my great-great-grandfather Seth Dunham’s discovery of the quicksilver (mercury) lode that became the Redington Quicksilver Mine in then-Lake County. Recently I was sent an article from the Ukiah Republican Press of 8 October 1897 that indicates Seth was also responsible for discovery of the claim that became the Great Western… Read More
A Gold Rush Initiation in Tuolumne County The 1850 U. S. Census was a disaster in California. It was disorganized and many of the records were lost, requiring California to mandate a state census in 1852 to try to gauge the massive increase in population due to the Gold Rush. Among those Gold Rush newcomers was my great-great-grandfather Seth Dunham (4 May… Read More
He Saw the Elephant A farmer, hearing that a circus was in town, loaded his wagon with vegetables to sell there. He was excited; more than anything, he wanted to see an actual elephant. He got in town just in time to see the circus parade, led by an elephant. The farmer was thrilled, but his horses were terrified.… Read More